Search Process
Our Search Process
We utilize a proven plan and a variety of techniques to identify, qualify and recruit the impact players our clients expect. Before initiating a search we have in depth discussion with our clients to determine the specific job requirements, experience and skillsets required to fit the candidate profile. These discussions also help us determine what is required to function at a high level within your corporate culture.
Our recruitment plan includes searching our extensive database and going directly into the marketplace and one to one referral networking to source the best candidates that match the job profile.
Our search process is performed in a sequence of steps which are customized based on your company's unique hiring needs and problems, in a professional, personal and expeditious manner. And, these steps aren't performed by just any recruiter but by our recruiters, recruiters that are skilled professionals, experts in your industry and schooled in the MRINetwork Way™.
Although the specific sequence of steps performed for your search will be tailored to meet your needs, below is a summary of the types of activities they are likely to involve:
- Needs analysis and strategic recruiting plan development
- Position profile development and culture assessment
- In-depth candidate research, screening and interviewing
- Interview planning and qualified candidate presentation
- Hiring manager interviewing skills training
- Client and candidate interview debriefs
- Confidential reference checks
- Counter-offer consulting
- Offer preparation and closing
- Client and new hire follow-up